The tutorial has been a success. Find materials at ESWC 2016 Tutorial.
Doremus project at IAML – paper and tutorial
Doremus project will be present at IAML 2016 with a paper: “Introducing Doremus, a rich ontology for music” in the session: “Standards for music description” Pierre Choffé (Bibliothèque Nationale de France / Doremus, Paris), Marie Destandau (Philharmonie de Paris / Doremus, Paris)
Doremus at ODBase 2015 with a paper on ontology matching
Light-Weight Cross-Lingual Ontology Matching with LYAM++ presented at ODbase 2015 by Abdel Nasser Tigrine, Zohra Bellahsene and Konstantin Todorov
Doremus at ISWC 2015
Manel Achichi, Konstantin Todorov, Rodolphe Bailly, Cécile Cecconi, Marie Destandau and Raphael Troncy presented a poster “DOREMUS: Doing Reusable Musical Data” at ISCW 2015
Doremus at 2016 IAML Congress, Rome, Italy
Doremus project will present a paper : Introducing Doremus, a rich ontology for music, at IAML Congress 2016
5th Doremus general meeting in Lille
The project will hold its 5th general meeting at Lille University on December 10th and 11th 2015
Doremus au CiDE, Montpellier
Dominique Cotte présente le projet Doremus au CiDE.18 (18e colloque international sur le document numérique consacré cette année aux Documents et dispositifs à l’ère post-numérique.
Doremus at SemWebPro 2015 Paris
Pierre Choffé presents Doremus at SemWebPro 2015 Paris – see the presentation
Doremus Project gets its logo
BnF present at Cidoc / FRBR harmonization meeting
The 34th joined meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 and the 27th FRBR – CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, with representatives of the CIDOC CRM SIG and the IFLA FRBR Review Group will take place on 6-9 October 2015,
BnF at IFLA 2015
BnF was present at IFLA ( August 15th-20th 2015, South Africa). Participation to FRBRoo working group.
IAML 2015
Philharmonie de Paris will present a paper at IAML (June 21th-26th 2015, New York)
Deseze and AFO (Association Française des Orchestres) with Doremus
Dezede and AFO (Association Française des Orchestres) and Doremus team meeting to exchange about Deseze project and LOD standard for musical work and event developed by Doremus. Dezede est un outil de recherche et de valorisation sur la chronologie et
Marie Després-Lonnet presentation
February 6th 2015: Marie Després-Lonnet – Temps et lieux de la documentation : transformations des contextes interprétatifs à l’ère d’internet * Marie Després-Lonnet:
Pascal Cordereix (BnF) presentation “ethnomusicology sources”
February 6th : Labex: “Les passés dans le présent : histoire, patrimoine, mémoire”,